Jane Austen is one of the world’s most famous authors and 2025 sees the 250th anniversary of her birth. In readiness for this internationally celebrated anniversary, the Overton Jane Austen Trails project has produced walking and cycle trails through the footpaths and roads of Overton, Steventon and the surrounding countryside, following in the footsteps of Jane Austen, her friends and family.

Overton Sheepfair
Sat 20th July 2024
Overton Village
The Sheepfair Committee prides itself on the wonderful array of entertainment offered across the weekend.
With four stages, a fairground, street entertainment, bands, community entertainers, joint church services, market stalls and exhibitions, it really is a jam-packed weekend of entertainment for all the family.
Usually the First Saturday of the Month:
Check out the facebook page for dates
St Mary's Village Hall 10am - 12pm
Buzzing and busy local market with great cake, coffee and local stall holders - including baking, flowers, art and crafts
Please come and say Hello!